LROC October 2020 Release

This is a major release including multiple powerful new QuickMap features, along with many new and updated data layers. Most notably this update has expanded the numeric data layers that are available; at the same time providing powerful new tools to access and analyze that data, including interactive inspection of values and Data Cube extraction.

New Features

Improved Graticule

The Latitude/Longitude grid in 2D projections now has a better look and feel, updating dynamically as you move around the map.

Data Inspection & Plotting

We’ve added many more ways to inspect and access the numeric data layers.

Dynamic Layers now show an approximate value at the cursor.

Our Draw & Search tools have been enhanced to allow extraction and download of all numeric datasets along point, line, and polygon geometries.

Here we compare reported slope values along a profile

Here we extract numeric data values in a 30km region around a drawn point. In the below example a data cube can also be downloaded by selecting ‘Show Detailed’ at the bottom of the list and selecting the products to be included in the datacube in the subsequent dialog

Enhanced Layer Tree

Improvements to the Layers Tree to make it more searchable. When searching the list, we now hide groups that don’t contain any matching layers. Also a new “Show Only Visible” option hides all layers in the tree that aren’t currently activated providing for a less cluttered experience.

Import User Data (GeoTiff & Shapefile)

We’ve added capabilities to import GeoTIFF files reprojecting them onto the 2D views (3D GeoTiff viewing not currently supported).. This is an experimental feature working best in the latest version of Chrome.  In this implementation, no data is transferred to the QuickMap servers, all the rendering is local.  


Also we have extended support for importing Vector Data and now support Shapefiles (currently only those in lat/lon projection, .prj files are unsupported), along with the previously supported GeoJSON and CSV formats.

Create Keplerian Orbit

The ability to define an orbit path now can be done through the New Layer creation screen. Select ‘Create Keplerian Orbit’ and enter the position ( r ) and velocity ( v ) vectors in the subsequent menu.

Export/Import Search Features

Added capability to Export and Import your list of Search Features. The features are saved as GeoJSON to your local machine, and can be reimported when ready to continue work

Other Usability Enhancements

New Data

New Layers

WAC Hapke-Normalized


NAC DTMs (Slope)

New Numeric Layers

West-Looking Polar CPR Mosaic

East-Looking Polar CPR Mosaic

West-Looking S-band mosaic

East-Looking S-band mosaic

WAC Hapke-Norm. 689 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 643 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 604 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 566 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 415 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 360 nm

WAC Hapke-Norm. 321 nm

Deconvolved Hydrogen Map  

LAMP On- Off Band Ratio Map

Updated to Numeric

Clinopyroxene Abundance (wt%)

Derived Optical Maturity (OMAT)

FeO Abundance (wt%)

Olivine Abundance (wt%)

Orthopyroxene Abundance (wt%)

Polar Summer Avg Temp

Polar Summer Max Temp

Polar Summer Min Temp

Polar Winter Avg Temp

Polar Winter Max Temp

Polar Winter Min Temp

WAC Farside (big shadows)

WAC Mosaic

WAC Nearside (big shadows)

Removed Layers

WAC Hapke-Normalized Color [replaced with new Hapke Normalized layer]

Long/Lat Grid dynamic [replaced with new generated graticule]